Are you a LEADER in Open Science?
Experiment with new Open Science practices to support your community and help young researcher career development.
There are many ways researchers in open science are demonstrating leadership, whether experimenting with new technologies and approaches or embracing the responsibilities in bolstering their community and fostering the next generation of researchers.
Watch this video to see why research needs LEADERSHIP
Researchers like you are paving the way for others, both scientifically–in the way they conduct and publish research–and professionally–through mentorship and modeling.
You are eager to experiment with new technologies and approaches–both in conducting your research, and in sharing your work with the wider community.
How can you demonstrate Leadership in your research practices?
Explore the Open Science programs that can demonstrate innovation and progress in your research practices, and support career development in young researchers.
Open yourself—and your research—to new possibilities. Sharing methods documentation early and openly creates opportunities for discovery and connection. Show you’re a leader by publishing these new research outputs.
Routinely incorporating Open Science practices into your research workflow helps to cultivate a reputation for quality, collaboration, and leadership. These include:
Both to claim credit, track, and showcase your own work, and acknowledge and honor colleagues and collaborators.
These open software and taxonomic solutions track specific academic contributions with ease and granularity. Together, more published research outputs and more detailed and accurate records let you showcase your work and build your reputation as a researcher.
The tools and technologies of Open Science may change over time, but the underlying values of openness–with their emphasis on trustworthiness and transparency, equity, and inclusion–remain the same.
Don’t be afraid to take a chance on experimental approaches to research communication, so long as they aim to increase scientific rigor and welcome more expert voices into the scientific discourse.
Learn more
Even if you’re not a Principle Investigator, you can help more junior researchers to succeed by sharing your expertise, recommending articles and other helpful resources, and encouraging their ideas and contributions.
Niamh O’Connor, Chief Publishing Officer discusses her role in building strong teams and a strong vision for PLOS.
How do you want your research to make a difference?
Learn how other Open Science practices benefit your work and the research community
Explore your publishing options with PLOS
How much do you already incorporate Open Science as part of your research process?
How do your actions support scientific communications?
With multiple time pressures and choices, which of your values influence the decisions you make. Challenge yourself to find out your motivations by taking our quiz, then learn how your values are helping to make science communication stronger.