PLOS ONE Year in Review
2022 was a year of continued growth for PLOS ONE. We launched several new collections and published important research that made an impact in the global multidisciplinary conversation. Discover journal updates, updated offerings, new collections, and more.

Published authors*
Published articles*
Countries represented by submitting authors*
Total mentions**
* Data sourced from Web of Science, as of December, 2022
** Mentions; Across web, social media, and news outlets worldwide. Data sourced from Altmetrics
In 2022, PLOS ONE articles were referenced an estimated 142,442 times by media outlets around the world! Explore articles that made the news:
- Dogs can discriminate between human baseline and psychological stress condition odours
- In the line of fire: Debris throwing by wild octopuses
- Differential personality change earlier and later in the coronavirus pandemic in a longitudinal sample of adults in the United States
- Long Covid stigma: Estimating burden and validating scale in a UK-based sample
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Research Highlights
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