PLOS Computational Biology Year in Review
2021 was a year of growth for PLOS Computational Biology. We welcomed new members to our editorial board and continued to publish new and noteworthy research from our community. Discover journal updates, top papers, and more.

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This year, we continued to receive and publish the latest research in computational biology. Read noteworthy articles from 2022.
- Polypolish: Short-read polishing of long-read bacterial genome assemblies
- Traveling waves in the prefrontal cortex during working memory
- Implementation of residue-level coarse-grained models in GENESIS for large-scale molecular dynamics simulations
- Enhancing long-term forecasting: Learning from COVID-19 models
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Feilim Mac Gabhann, Editor-in-Chief

Jason Papin, Editor-in-Chief
In 2022, PLOS Computational Biology articles were referenced over 16,172 times by media outlets around the world. Explore articles that made the news.
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Open Access is not truly open without easy and equitable opportunities to publish. To support authors of all research communities, funding backgrounds, and institutional requirements, all PLOS journals offer APC-alternative business models through institutional partnerships.
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In 2021, we adopted an enhanced code sharing policy for all papers. This change was developed in response to community needs and support of our Open Science initiatives on the journal. Learn more about the results from this trial.
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